Dataocean HIS
Data Ocean Hospital Information Management Systems (HIS) provides the most versatile, comprehensive and integrated information system. It Contains the perfect solution for the client’s essential business requirements to manage your hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, healthcare centers effortlessly. Hospital Information Management Systems provided by Data Ocean company divided into two different products each supports different medical business types:
• doEnterpriseCare : manage all the aspects of hospital and clinics operations.
• Patient Portal : a web-based and mobile application that provides all patient's medical process needed such as patient registration, booking appointments, medical history, telemedicine and online payments.

We Are Where The Technologies Worlds Meet
HIS Modules
Connected Programs to Serve Your Medical Business

For More Information About Our Systems Contact Us

Access From
Anywhere Securely
Data Ocean Hospital Information System (HIS) provides your medical facility with the freedom to access the HIS modules anytime from anywhere using the latest technology of the cloud-based systems. Moreover, we provide you with 3 solutions to choose from (Private Cloud - Public Cloud - On-Premises). In addition, our encrypted algorithms provide to you with highly secure communication for your medical business.

Manage Your
Medical Facilities
Data Ocean gives you the ability to access and manage your entire medical facilities with a finger click with the use of Cloud-based and True Multi-Tenancy technology.

Integrated Solutions
For Your Business
Data Ocean HIS systems provide you with the ability to achieve a high-level integration in your medical business operations and increase efficiency.
Integrations Supported by
Data Ocean HIS System

Features Supported by
Data Ocean HIS System